Goldsmith's Friend Abroad Again

The good American who hired me to go to his country is to pay me $12 a month, which is immense wages, you know twenty times as much as one gets in China. My passage in the ship is a very large sum in­deed, it is a fortune and this I must pay myself even­t...devamı

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Durumu: Baskısı Yok / Liste Fiyatı: 34.00 / Güncelleme: 2022-12-06 / Barkod: 9786257645867

Yayın Dili:
Basım Yeri: Ankara
Basım Tarihi: 2021-03
Baskı No: 1
Sayfa Sayısı: 32
Ebat: 135-210
ISBN: 9786257645867
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